Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Course Hero Blog Puts “Outrageous Hidden Costs of College” at $23,010 a Year

By the way, Course Hero has a terrific graphic on its site that displays all the extra costs on a very nifty, Monopoly-like game board. According to the chart, these are some of the hidden extras that many students pay every year . . .

Alcohol - $2,600
Coffee - $1,800
Clothing - $750
Entertainment - $4,000
Books and supplies - $1,137
Computing costs - $425 (assumes that you’ll use one $1,700 laptop for four years)
Room and board - $7,999
Transportation - $1,073
Activity/social fees - $700
Cell phone - $756
Greek dues - $600
Sporting events - $50
Food - $750
Lab fees - $120
Spring break - $500
Practice room rental (for music students) - $150
Of course, there are ways to trim some of those expenses. Nobody is making you join a fraternity or drink alcoholic beverages or head to the tropics for spring break.

But heck. While you’re at college, you have to live a little, right? Maybe even go to a concert or a football game. But as you plan your budget, remember that the cost of just about everything – from gasoline to cold cuts – seems to be going up quickly. Maybe Course Hero will have to raise its $23,010 estimate to $25,000 next year. Click here to know more about

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